Name........................................... Group.............................. Mark....................
8.23 - Business Card: Design Ideas
Here is an example to get you started.
Use a small font size, 6 or 7 for most of the text but your name and title can be much bigger e.g. 12pt.
Using the paper proved by your teacher draw 10 boxess 50mm by 90mm. Then generate some ideas. Write some notes (annotation) beside your sketches to explain your designs.
Your home work is to come up with at least 8 ideas, fully coloured in, and complete the following survey. This is market research to find out what your customers would like. Templates are drawn for you on the next page, if required.
HOME WORK Before we use compiter software to design our business card, we need to find out which idea people prefer. Complete this survey table to see which designs your friends prefer.
CHOSEN IDEA Does it meet the design brief and specification? Yes (....) No (....)
Which design do you prefer for the Business Card? Name TotalsIdea 1 Idea 2 Idea 3 Idea 4 Idea 5 Idea 6 Idea 7 Idea 8