A basic electronics crossword
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1. A connection that should not be there 3. Electricity can flow through 4. Does not conduct electricity - 6. Temperature changes its resistance 7. This component reduces the flow of electricity 9. This means three in the colour code 10. An adjustable resistor 13. Measured in amps! 14. Short for a type of circuit board 17. The unit of potential difference and emf 18. A source of power! 19. Buzzers and leds are examples of an - 20. A light sensitive resistor 21. Turn a circuit on or off with this
2. This component is able to switch or amplify 3. This component stores electric charge. 5. A solder joint that does not conduct electricity - 8. 2% tolerance 11. Sensors are - 12. What comes between input and output? 15. 5 per cent tolerance 16. Helps the solder flow 19. Resistors are measured in - 20. Usually produces a red light!