and Technology is part of the National Curriculum subject called Technology.
At Warren, Technology is taught by two Departments, the Food Technology
Department and the Department of Design and Technology.
Some fathers will remember their woodwork, metalwork
and technical drawing lessons. In the 1970s these subjects begun to
merge together as schools started to recognise the importance of pupils
developing design skills as well as learning practical skills. This
new subject was called Craft, Design and Technology (or CDT for short).
Very soon electronics began to be introduced to schemes of work as well
as the use of computers.
The introduction of the National Curriculum sought
to bring all these elements together. Food and Textiles were seen to
be important facets of manufacturing industry and were included as part
of Technology and new technologies such as computer control, pneumatics
and computer aided design and manufacturing CAD/CAM were also included.
Technology is a fast evolving subject for both girls and boys and most
schools work hard to make sure they keep abreast of new techniques.
The Technology Department at Warren contains four well equipped workshops,
an advanced manufacturing room plus three design rooms and a sixth form
study room. All rooms have networked computers. The Technology area
is well equipped with graphics facilities, colour inkjet and laser printers,
computers, microelectronics, electronics and pneumatics facilities.
We are also well equipped with advanced manufacruring machines such
as the Laser cutter and 3D machining routers.
There are many opportunities for parents to help their children develop
their Design and Technology capabilities. Helping with and making sure
that homework is completed is an obvious way. The Homeworks part of
this site gives full details of all homeworks set at KS3. As your child
progresses to GCSE level they will be expected to develop more complex
projects. Helping them find the right materials or discussing folderwork
can help pupils be clear about their projects and help them plan. Project
guidelines are given to all pupils. Ask to see them or download a copy
from this site.
If you are reading this then you have internet access.
This site is meant to offer help with all courses. It would be worthwhile
spending a little time with your son or daughter each week exploring
the site and discussing some of the topics and resources. If you think
that your child needs more homework then download an appropriate worksheet
from this site. As they move to KS4 they will need to conduct research
and may need your help in finding useful sites.
are many activities around the house that offer opportunities for your
son or daughter to develop their capabilities. Helping with DIY projects
offer the opportinity to help plan and decide materials. Think about
taking your son or daughter to the DIY store or builders merchants with
you. Ask them to work out how many rolls of wallpaper are needed, how
many packs of screws or nails or how many lengths of flooring timber.
Ask them to sketch the colour schemes for decorating projects or perhaps
even, with supervision, drill and rawlplug the holes for new shelves.
One of the most enjoyable ways of helping your son or daughter is to
plan trips to include visits to useful institutions or sites. It is
important that he or she sees different designs and ways of making or
presenting things. Pointing out unusual buildings when driving through
London, for instance can broaden appreciation of aspects of design.
How many times have we driven over the Dartford Bridge, for instance,
without thinking about its style or construction.
below are a few places you might want to consider for a visit. They
have been chosen not only for their educational value but as offering
something for all the family.

Resources from the CMT form the basis of our Year 9 Graphic
Products course. Recently moved from Covent Garden to Southend this
popular toy shop has something for everyone. If you visit make sure
that you have plenty of small change. Inside you will find more machines
and a shop counter where you can buy card self assembly models, books
and videos. Buy tickets for the main theatre display from the shop.
Visit the Cabaret Mechanical Theatre online at