


  • Use the digital camera.
  • Take a picture of your final product in use.
  • Stick it in the space.

How testing was carried out

Write a brief explanation of how the product was tested. This means try it out for what you said it was for. For example:-

  • Does it store jewellery effectively?
  • Is it strong enough?
  • Do the doors and draws open and close without rubbing or getting stuck?
  • Is it easy to carry - test by carrying it.
  • Does it fit in with its surroundings/decor?

Results of Testing

For each testing point say what happened. If all the answers are yes, add a few points of criticism! For example:-

Yes it is easy to carry but the corners would dig in if it were to be held for long.

Summary - What did the testing tell me

You can be positive here but any improvements can be included and then repeated in the Evaluation