Long Term Plan


Design & Technology



The modules are completed in the order dictated largely by room availability. Students do two terms D&T and one term food.






Introduction to presentation drawings

Students learn to freehand sketch, to render drawings to enhance their 3D effect, to use the techniques of producing presentation drawings such as isometric, oblique and perspective.

Xarax is also introduced here- this is a graphics program which enables students to present their work effectively using a DTP approach.

Autumn term 1

2: Computer graphics

Introduction to Prodesktop

Prodesktop enables students to draw directly in 3D.  Students learn the basic techniques of drawing, dimensioning and extruding.  Online guidance is used.


3: Fuse Tester

Electronics used in the manufacture of a working product

Students construct an electronic circuit which is then packaged to make it robust.  Presentation graphics are used to enhance the product and to document the manufacture.

Autumn term 2

4: Desk tidy

Using CAD/CAM in the manufacture of a woodwork project.

Students use a range of wood manufacturing techniques to construct a desk tidy.  Jigs and CNC machines are used effectively. Prodesktop is used to draw the desk tidy.


5: Mechanical toy

Using mechanisms to produce an animated scene

A long project, which should be used for end of year coursework assessment.  A range of mechanisms but especially cams are used to construct a moving picture.  Electronics may also be added.

Spring term 1

6: Mild steel coat hook

Coat hook

Students will use a range of skills – bending; brazing; CNC machining; component assembly and finishing to manufacture a  coat hook.

Spring term 2