D&T -KS3 Year 7- Medium Term Plan: Module 5: Steady Hand Game

Module 5: Steady Hand Game

Sequence of Lessons


Key Activities


Student Outcomes

Assessment Opportunities

Key Vocabulary


Introduction to the steady hand game.

Introduction to the project emphasising quality accuracy and safety.

Designing the product started using the project booklet.

Project design booklet. Exemplars.

Design brief, specification and ideas sheets

Quality of the design work.

Design brief, specification. Electronics.


Construction of the frame

Demonstration if marking out tools for wood.

Cutting the rebate joint demonstration.

Process sheet.

Try squares, marking knives, dovetail saws, steel rules.

20 x 15 hardwood blanks.

Construction of the frame using housing joints started. Process sheet.

Accuracy of marking out.

Tool names. Rebate joint. Butt joint. Frame joint.


Gluing up and adding the top and bottom.

Complete the cutting of the joints. Demonstrate the use of PVA glue to glue the frame up.  Adding the top and bottom demonstrated. Students continue construction.

PVA glue. Masking tape. Panel pins and pin hammers. A4 MDF blanks. Screws

Completion of the base box for the project.

Accuracy and quality of the assembly. Safe working.

PVA glue, panel pins.


Adding the backboard

Demonstrate use of templates to transfer design to the backboard. Cutting the MDF with a coping saw.

Continue construction

Coping saw, A4 MDF blanks.

The back board designed and added to the base box.

Design work.

Names of tools


Introduction to electronics.

Introduce circuit diagram, components and function of the circuit.

How to solder – three rules of soldering. Safety points.

Explain the use of resistors, capacitors and LEDs.

Construction started

Soldering irons and stands, components and circuit boards, fine abrasive paper. Solder.

Complete circuit

Quality of soldering and safe working.

Solder, flux, resistor, capacitor, LED (light emitting diode)


Assembling the product

Demonstrate attaching the circuit to the product using a large exemplar model. Students attach wires and solder in place. They fix the bendy wire to the frame and include it into the circuit.

A handle and loop are constructed and included in the circuit. Final finishing and decoration.

Lengths of welding rod, flexible connecting wires, battery connectors, 9v batteries. Off cuts of wood for handles.

The completed steady hand tester.

Quality, creativity and accuracy of the finished steady hand tester.

Battery, bending jig.


Evaluation and testing

Final assembly.  Test by trying out.

Evaluation discussed. Pupils evaluate work using design sheet.

Final assessment of project as a class activity. Test

Design booklets.

Design sheets.

The completed and tested steady hand tester.


The final assessment for the whole project.
