D&T -KS3 Year 7- Medium Term Plan: Module 1: – Key Fob

Module 1: Safety and the Key Fob

Sequence of Lessons


Key Activities


Student Outcomes

Assessment Opportunities

Key Vocabulary


Workshop safety

Explain the safety rules. Personal safety – goggles and apron, behaviour.

Demonstrate safe working when using basic tools, equipment and machines.

Safety rules worksheet. Spot the error worksheet. Web quizzes on safety.

Students will understand how to work in a safe way and appreciate the dangers in the workshop.

Able to spot errors and unsafe working.

Worksheet on safety rules and the quiz.

Safety, hazard, injury, risk assessment, guard, barrier, safe working distance, protective clothing.


Key fob manufacture in a safe environment.

Properties of materials.  Cutting, drilling acrylic demonstrated.  Design the shape of the key fob. Market research best design (HW)

Acrylic blanks (5mm), coping saws, pillar drill, 4mm twist drill, design sheets. Drilling jig with clamp.

Safely drilled acrylic blank. Designs for simple key fob shapes. Market research and bar chart.

Market research

Survey, jig, market research. Tool names.


Manufacture to a high quality. Finishing.

Filing to finished shape. Draw filing. Going through the grades and final polishing. Attaching key ring and assessment of finished product.

Planning/process sheet.

Hand files, half round files, range of abrasive papers, metal polish and cloths.  Key rings. Soft jaws.

Students will complete the key fob to a high standard with a highly polished edge and the key ring fitted. Planning sheet.

Planning sheet. Quality of product.

Abrasive, draw filing. Grades. Process, planning.

Manufacture. Quality.