D&T -KS3 Year 7- Medium Term Plan: Module 3: – Biscuit Cutter


Module 3: Biscuit Cutter


Sequence of Lessons


Key Activities


Student Outcomes

Assessment Opportunities

Key Vocabulary



Introduction to the project.

Introduction to project – design a biscuit cutter.  Specification of product discussed. Ideas for theme (SPRING) produced. Survey/evaluatiuon of ideas.

Production of card template demonstrated. Transfer to MDF blank


MDF blanks, card, scissors, glue.

Project booklet,

Design sheet, and evaluation of ideas,


Quality of design work..

Pattern draft, mould, vacuum former.

Jig, template, tool names.



Practical session producing the mouls

Demonstrate processes to make a mould from MDF in the workshop.

Students make mould.

Complete process sheet.

Coping saw, rasps and files, abrasive papers

Process sheet. Biscuit cutter mould.

Quality of process sheet and quality of mould.




Vacuum forming and mould design.

Properties of plastics. Demonstrate process of vacuum forming using a commercial mould.  Students continue production of mould and vacuum form when they are ready.

Plastic sheet (HIPS), vacuum forming machine, box mould,

Research using website and “Focus on Plastics”. Mould production. Design sheets for final drawings.

Quiz on plastics. Designs sheets.

Plastic, thermoset, thermoplastic, HIPS,



Manufacturing continues








Trimming and final production

Vacuum formed shapes are formed in batches; trimmed using the trimming machine. Final assessment of products. Testing of cutters at home or in food lesson.

Plastic trimmer, abrasive papers wood for handles, scissors.

Completed mould with handle.

Quality of product. Test.

Trimmer, batch production.