D&T -KS3 Year 8- Medium Term Plan: Module 3: – Fuse Tester/Moisture Detector
Module 3: Fuse Tester |
Sequence of Lessons |
Theme/Aims |
Key Activities |
Resources |
Student Outcomes |
Assessment Opportunities |
Key Vocabulary |
1 |
Introduction to electronics |
Discuss the effects on modern world. Explain the circuit and how it works. Set the design brief and specification. Students learn the resistor colour code using website. Complete a colour code sheet. |
Design booklet for the fuse tester. Component models. Visualiser and PCs Exemplars of completed product. |
Completed colour code sheets. Quiz completed. Completed design sheets – brief and specification. |
Quality of design sheets. Test on colour code. |
Resistor. Tolerance. |
2 |
Circuit Construction |
Demonstrate soldering using circuit boards. Issue components and students begin construction. |
Soldering irons. Components and circuit board. Solder. Side cutters. Connecting wire. |
Completed circuit board. |
Accuracy and quality of soldering. |
Components, names of tools. |
3 |
Package design and construction. |
Demonstrate how to construct case from Plastic tube and MDF blanks. Students to design graphics to apply to package. Students construct the case. |
Plastic tube. MDF blanks. Elastic bands. Nuts, bolts and solder tags. |
Case to house the circuit. Designs for enhancing the package. |
Accuracy. Quality and creativity of package designs. |
4 |
Assembly of the product |
The circuit is assembled into the package and the connections made. A battery is connected so that testing can take place. The package design is produced and applied to the tube. |
Soldering irons. Solder. Nut spinners and spanners. Batteries. Connecting wires. |
The assembled product. |
Quality of assembly. Design work. |
Assembly. Names of tools. |
5 |
Evaluation and testing |
Final assembly is completed. The products are tested and repaired where necessary (fault finding). Evaluation sheet completed. Test. |
Design sheets. Fuses. |
The completed working product. Evaluation sheet. |
Overall assessment of the finished project. Test |
Fault finding. |