D&T -KS3 Year 8- Medium Term Plan: Module 3: – Fuse Tester/Moisture Detector

Module 3: Fuse Tester

Sequence of Lessons


Key Activities


Student Outcomes

Assessment Opportunities

Key Vocabulary


Introduction to electronics

Discuss the effects on modern world.

Explain the circuit and how it works. Set the design brief and specification.

Students learn the resistor colour code using website. Complete a colour code sheet.

Design booklet for the fuse tester.

Component models. Visualiser and PCs

Exemplars of completed product.

Completed colour code sheets. Quiz completed.

Completed design sheets – brief and specification.

Quality of design sheets. Test on colour code.

Resistor. Tolerance.


Circuit Construction

Demonstrate soldering using circuit boards.

Issue components and students begin construction.

Soldering irons. Components and circuit board. Solder. Side cutters. Connecting wire.

Completed circuit board.

Accuracy and quality of soldering.

Components, names of tools.


Package design and construction.

Demonstrate how to construct case from Plastic tube and MDF blanks. Students to design graphics to apply to package. Students construct the case.

Plastic tube. MDF blanks. Elastic bands. Nuts, bolts and solder tags.

Case to house the circuit.

Designs for enhancing the package.

Accuracy. Quality and creativity of package designs.



Assembly  of the product

The circuit is assembled into the package and the connections made.

A battery is connected so that testing can take place.

The package design is produced and applied to the tube.

Soldering irons. Solder. Nut spinners and spanners. Batteries. Connecting wires.

The assembled product.

Quality of assembly. Design work.

Assembly. Names of tools.


Evaluation and testing

Final assembly is completed. The products are tested and repaired where necessary (fault finding).

Evaluation sheet completed. 


Design sheets. Fuses.

The completed working product.

Evaluation sheet.

Overall assessment of the finished project.


Fault finding.