D&T -KS3 Year 8 - Medium Term Plan: Module 4: – Desk Tidy

Module 4: Desk Tidy

Sequence of Lessons


Key Activities


Student Outcomes

Assessment Opportunities

Key Vocabulary


Introduction to the desk tidy.

Discuss the brief and specification.

Use exemplars to demonstrate possible outcomes.

Students complete design sheets and draw design ideas.

Design booklet. Exemplar desk tidies. Pens and pencils.

Completed design sheets.

Quality of design sheets.



Marking out and construction techniques

Demonstrate the materials available. Demonstrate the use of try square, marking gauge, templates, and centre punch for marking out the designs onto MDF.

Students begin construction.

Marking out tools. MDF blanks.

Construction started of component pieces for the desk tidy.

Accuracy of marking out.

Names of tools


Use of jigs and advanced manufacturing.

The use of drilling and other jigs is demonstrated.

Advanced manufacturing is discussed and demonstrated using exemplars, especially the laser cutter and CNC machines.

Construction continues.

Laser cutter. CNC machines. Examples of machine made products.

Holes drilled using drilling jigs or aids. Students understand the advantages and disadvantages of advanced manufacture.

Final designs.

Accuracy of work. Safe working. Design sheets.

Batch and mass production. Jigs. Laser cutter, CNC. CAD/CAM


Assembly and finishing

Final construction continues as the components are glued into position.

Abrasive papers are used to give a smooth finish.

Demonstration of how to apply acrylic paint to MDF effectively.

Abrasive papers, PVA glue clamps.

Brushes, acrylic paint.

The assembled product.

Accuracy and finish quality.

Abrasives, acrylic.


Testing and evaluation

Construction concludes. Completion of testing and evaluation sheets. Testing by survey.

Assessment of finished product as a class activity.


Design booklet.

Test sheets

Design sheets. Completed and tested product.

Test. Final assessment of completed project.

Market research. Survey. Questionnaire