Planning Quality

List the main stages of making your product.

For each stage write about how you would check that the quality was maintained.

The most important checks are -

  • Correct size - checked with a steel rule
  • Squareness - checked with a TRY SQUARE or by measurement of diagonals
  • Fit - visual check looking for gaps etc. Drawers slide. Doors open and close, staying square - no rubbing.
  • Surface finish - visual and tactile (touch).
  • Mechanical parts are secure, screws are tight etc.

You must also describe the ways that quality would be ensured in a factory producing large batches of your product.

This is done by inspecting the work in a range of ways. Test jigs are used to check squareness and fit. Materials are also checked for quality, Finish quality is particularly important i.e. no dents or scratches. Products are also tested to make sure they work. Some products and components are tested to destruction to ensure properties such as strength or resistance to scratching or denting. Long term testing will also take place to ensure durability.

Computers and robots are regularly used as part of the testing for quality process.